Lamar Signs agreed to give us time on their electronic billboards starting next week for promoting the benefit dinner and raffle for Bruce on Dec. 12 at GTYC from 5-10.
Mom showed the Billboard to Bruce and he was amazed!! Can't believe what's happening! It got a chuckle out of him!!
Just started the antirejection drugs with a direct feed thru his neck. Along with it is something to minimize nausea. The anti-rejections drugs kill the white cells so that's why he has to be so careful not to get germs. He's out like a light as the drugs make him sleepy, too. I did manage to give him a pedicure today. He needed it bad!! Painted his big toes pink!! ;) Should paint the other ones while he is asleep! ;)))
The word for the day is: Borborygmi (BOR-borh-RIG-mee): Rumbling sounds caused by gas moving through the intestines.
Bruce's real night nurse, Tina, taught him this. Gale said she could hear B's borborygmi without a stethescope last night!!
All the doc's who've been in today are really pleased with Bruce's progress!! The nefrologist (sp?) who is the lead doc was actually smiling today, and he never smiles. The creatinin level being below 5 shows the new kidney is working!! That was his biggest concern. B's hemoglobin being low didn't seem to bother the doc. Transfusion not even mentioned because B looks good. Wants him to grow the blood on his own. Bruce likes that idea.
Lungs are clear. Starting the anti-rejection drugs today a little at a time.
Going for a walk with the patient now. Later.............xo Mom
Bruce has 3 kidneys now. He will keep all three of them (barring any breakdowns). The doctors are trying to figure out if his new kidney is producing the urine or the two old kidneys. Time and ultra sound should tell.
B. is getting 2 units of blood today as his hemoglobin is lower. He also received a shot to help him increase red blood cell production. He's allowed to take a shower today. We're all glad!!;) Especially B. He's itchy and P.T. A.'s , powder and clean gowns just don't seem to be cutting it. This is certainly an up and down road we are traveling. One day he can poop and the next day he can't. Blood okay then it's not. But the important thing, THE KIDNEY, seems to be working. Have a wonderful and thankful Thanksgiving!
All the latest news sounds great! Where's the billboard? I would be careful painting anymore body parts! You never know when he may have a knee-jerk reaction and cause an injury to the jaw! Thanks to all who contributed the updates for us at home. Keep up the great progress B!