Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday Night 11/21/09 "In the Pink".

His new kidney “pinked” up and is working beautifully. On the 3rd 3.5 hour operation he had to have installed 2” of gortex graft repaired the artery that ran from his new kidney down his rt leg. Better than a harvested artery since his arteries were weak and dilapidated. The artery had been damaged by the clamps used during surgeries, but we hope that now he’ll move along the long road to recovery. He can receive no flowers and no visitors. He’s very tired, though was alert between operations. Mom & Kelli and the rest of us, hardly slept last night, hope to get more sleep tonight, it’s easier if he’s not in surgery. Kelli headed home this evening to take care of some things that they’d left hanging to beat it down to GR for this miraculous gift. Gale’s up from Indiana with Mom, tag teaming to be with Bruce massaging his leg to improve the circulation and enforcing his breathing exercises. The report is that the kidney's working quite well, that’s one goal. The doctors have introduced more nutrients back into his system through the I.V., as they had to flush his body clear of potassium prior to the 1st surgery. He’s been off food for 36 hours, the doctor said no food until tomorrow, though he can drink. The Vascular Surgeon liked his work, but says that the numbness in Bruce's foot will take a while to go away since it was without blood for too long, but now we're in the pink.

We are eternally grateful for the blessings we receive, Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. tell brucie I hope he's back on the unicycle soon! tony demin
